First Lesson FREE - Adults ONLY
Free MMA Training
Try before you Buy! First Lesson Free
Come and train with us and find out if it’s for you – we don’t charge you anything for the first class so there’s nothing to lose.
- You will go through a warm-up session and then Sensei Ibush
- You will receive guided instruction according to your ability.
- You will learn a range of fun techniques from the world of MMA
- No complicated techniques until you are confident in your own abilities
- Train in a safe, controlled, and secure environment
There is absolutely nothing to lose, and an amazing experience to gain. We are absolutely confident that you will love the training and if at the end of the lesson you decide that MMA is not for you, we won’t bother you with phone calls or pushy emails.
The free lesson you will serve as a fantastic introduction to the complete range of MMA techniques. You will also find that the classes will help to build up your physical strength and aerobic ability
This is the perfect way to try this kind of training without paying a penny for the privilege. Why spend money joining a gym or Martial Arts classes if you’re not sure if it’s for you?
We look forward to seeing you.
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Affordable MMA Training!
MMA Training Costs
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