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0788 210 6330
The Rainbow Centre
Barnet EN5 2UN

Private One to One

Private Tuition in MMA

MMA - One to One Classes

Private classes in MMA Training

As a guide, private tuition with Sensei Ibush costs £60 per hour per person Please email us for costs of Small Group Tuition.

Private tuition MMA

The benefits of One to One tuition:

  • Rapid Progression in MMA techniques
  • Individual Attention to Detail
  • Identification of Weaknesses in Technique
  • Development of Specific Areas and Goals
  • Constant Skill Evaluation and Feedback
  • Structured Tuition to Suit Personal Schedules
  • Preparation for Tournaments, MMA Events, and Gradings
  • MMA restraining techniques for Door Men and Bouncers

When it comes to personal training, we’ve got something for everyone. All one to one tuition is designed around YOUR goals and abilities. You will become skilled in the all-around defensive techniques of BJJ & MMA.

Private classes can also focus on specific aspects of training such as pad work,  techniques from standing, or groundwork.

Training can take place at our dojo in Barnet North London. We can also come to a location of your choice such as the gym, home, college or workplace.

One to One Padwork

Although most boxers rely on focus pad work to improve their speed and power, it is a versatile training method for anyone looking to develop their defensive skills.

MMA Padwork

There are several common and effective pad work drills that beginners and advanced students can use to improve their footwork, counter all styles of opponents, improve coordination and reduce stress.

The workouts are great for developing accuracy, timing, rhythm, strategy and style.

One to One Standing Techniques

Stand up MMA techniques involve striking, blocking, clinches and throws and takedowns. It’s important to be aware of distance in stand up MMA.

Stand up MMA

You are literally holding onto each other, trying to upset the balance of your opponent in order to throw. Striking using your fists is mid-range distance while kicking is long-range.

Our one to one standup MMA  tuition is aimed at making you proficient at fighting at any distance.

One to one Groundwork

These private lessons are designed to help you learn many of the fundamental techniques in order to be successful with your ground game and submission work

Ground Work MMA

From armbars to gogoplatas and guard passes to ground striking techniques, these one to one private classes will give you a little of everything to take your understanding to the next level.

Small-Group MMA Tuition

Self Defence and MMA  group sessions can be arranged to take place at your home, workplace, event centre or at our club HQ in Barnet. 

  • MMA & BBJ for Advanced Students and Beginners
  • Practical Street Self Defence
  • Self Defence for  NHS Staff
  • Restraining Techniques for Door Staff/Security
  • Anti Bullying techniques for Schools
  • Corporate Self Defence Courses
  • Women’s Self Defence Course
  • Ground Defence for Women (anti rape)
  • Weapons Defence
  • School & Youth Seminars

Choose between specially designed Self Defence modules or have a program tailored for your group’s needs – whether it be street smart, practical physical training.

Short courses for self-defence training. Sessions are suitable for groups of friends, family, sports clubs, gyms or even workplace groups!

Affordable MMA Training!

Adult MMA Prices

First Lesson FREE!!
Nothing to lose
2 hours
7.30 to 9.30pm
Adults only 16 years+
Rainbow Centre Barnet
Contact us!
Pay per class
Pay as you go
2 hours
7.30 to 9.30pm
Adults only 16 years+
Rainbow Centre Barnet
Contact us!
Private - One to One
Hours to be agreed
Time TBA
Adults only 18 years+
Your choice of location
Private Lessons
Private - Small Groups
Hours to be agreed
Time TBA
3+ Adults -18 years+
Your choice of location
Private Lessons



One to one private tuition available in all aspects of MMA - Private Lessons >>>
Please read the Training T&C before deciding to go ahead - Training T&Cs >>>
Need some cool, eye-catching, fashionable training gear? - Visit our Shop >>>

MMA Videos

Sensei Ibush on ITV News

Sensei Ibush and his two daughters, Londita and Bleta, were interviewed by ITV London News! His two daughters were featured in The ‘This Girl Can’  advertising campaign encouraging women to take up a sport.

Intro Training Video

An introduction video demonstrating the training methods and philosophy of Sensei Ibush Kabashi, our 5th Dan MMA Jiu-Jitsu Instructor. The training is kept as safe as possible The video shows some of the awesome techniques that you will learn.